Politics & History


A Smithsonian Roadmap to Social Revolution

In the summer of 2020, the Smithsonian's, National Museum of African American History and Culture, posted a large graphic criticizing, "Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness and White Culture in the United States."  

In the analysis below, I 'decode' the opposition to so-called 'white culture'* and explain the revolutionary aspirations of Critical Race Theory and Critical Social Justice to uproot every vestige of 'whiteness' from society.  Finally, I dismantle numerous false and questionable claims, while recognizing that some of the criticisms do have merit.

*"Whiteness refers to the specific dimensions of racism that elevate White people over people of Color. Basic rights, resources, and experiences that are assumed to be shared by all, are actually only available to Whites. Although many Whites feel that being White has no meaning, this feeling is unique to White people and is a key part of what it means to be White; to see one’s race as having no meaning is a privilege only Whites are afforded. To claim to be “just human” and thus outside of race is one of the most powerful and pervasive manifestations of Whiteness."  (Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education, by Ozlem Sensoy and Robin DiAngelo, 2012, p. 119). 


A Tool in the Battle Against Critical Race Theory

This one page guide carefully identifies the teachings and outcomes of CRT, and highlights the stark contrast between CRT and historical, American principles.  

There are two important qualifications on the use of this Manifesto:

1.  Nothing in the Manifesto precludes discussing these divisive concepts in an academic setting, so long as it is done in an objective manner, without endorsement or manipulation, and strives to provide equal time and effort to contending perspectives.

2.  Opposing CRT does not mean we are in favor of racism or discrimination.  We oppose CRT because of its destructive philosophy and methods, not because it stands against racism.  In fact, there are many black leaders who oppose CRT because it undermines the traditional civil rights movement (Peter Kirsanow, Robert Woodson, Thomas Sowell, Alveda King, Carol Swain, Leo Turell, Richard Johnson III, etc.).  

Additional Resources for Understanding CRT:  8 Unproven Assumptions of CRT  |  Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness (Smithsonian)  |  16 Reasons Why America is Not a Racist Country



One of the largest issues that divides the Left and Right sides of the political spectrum is the scope and responsibility of the federal government. Any fair minded comparison between the philosophy of the Founders and that of the present day would be forced to acknowledge that we have drifted quite far from the beliefs and assumptions which underlie the Constitution.

The Constitutional principles promoted here, especially in Part 4, are opposed to the ACLU and other organizations who want to sever all connections and special benefits afforded to religion.  Read it and find out why! 

I also recommend these excellent videos from Prager University:
Was America Founded to Be Secular?
Were the Founders Religious?
Religious Tolerance: Made in America

This 11'x17" color chart compares the two philosophies which underlie the political and cultural war which is tearing our country apart.  The columns represent generalizations, of course, which do not take into account some of the nuances and variations found in these systems.

Some people will be tempted to pick and choose from both philosophies.  But, the choice between limiting government and enlarging government is rather stark.   And, we are assured by history, that certain consequences will inevitably follow.  We are bidden, therefore, to choose wisely!

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