Thursday, May 13, 2021

A Tool in the Battle Against Critical Race Theory

This Manifesto is for parents, teachers, and employees who are on the front lines in the struggle against Critical Race Theory (CRT).  They need to be armed with accurate and concise information.  This one page guide carefully identifies the teachings and outcomes of CRT, and highlights the stark contrast between CRT and historical, American principles.  

The format is ideally suited to public settings, such as school board meetings, in order to unambiguously identify and call out the objectionable teachings of CRT.  

There are two important qualifications on the use of this Manifesto (based on feedback from CRT advocates):

1.  Nothing in the Manifesto precludes discussing these divisive concepts in an academic setting, so long as it is done in an objective manner, without endorsement or manipulation, and strives to provide equal time and effort to contending perspectives.

2.  Opposing CRT does not mean we are in favor of racism or discrimination.  We oppose CRT because of its destructive philosophy and methods, not because it stands against racism.  In fact, there are many black leaders who oppose CRT because it undermines the traditional civil rights movement (Peter Kirsanow, Robert Woodson, Thomas Sowell, Alveda King, Carol Swain, Leo Turell, Richard Johnson III, etc.).  

Additional Resources for Understanding CRT8 Unproven Assumptions of CRT  |  Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness (Smithsonian)  |  16 Reasons Why America is Not a Racist Country

Also see my related eBook (it's free), "The War On America’s Founding Principles," under the 'Recent Books' tab, above.


 Revised Edition (6-6-21)